About Rose Quartz

Polished Rose Quartz sphere

Rose quartz -- an opaque to translucent macro-crystalline quartz of pink to rose-red color -- is one of the most desirable varieties of quartz because of its unique color and beauty. The composition of its color is not completely understood. Formerly, it was attributed to a number of different minor impurities, including titanium, iron, manganese, and even colloidal gold. However, recent studies using micro-analytical methods have discovered that the color of massive rose quartz is actually due to microscopic mineral fibers in the quartz. X-ray diffraction tests on these microscopic fibers yielded patterns similar to the mineral dumortierite, but slightly different, suggesting the possibility of a totally new and as yet unknown fibrous mineral causing the color in massive rose quartz. The rare transparent crystals of rose quartz owe their coloration to aluminum and phosphorous impurities; their pink color is photosensitive and can fade in sunlight.

Rose quartz, which is considered a semi-precious gemstone, is used as an ornamental stone, made into cabochons, and carved into spheres, pyramids, beads, hearts, and other figures. It's also a popular stone for tumbling. Although it is usually too cloudy to be used as a cut gemstone, a few exceptional pieces are found with enough clarity and color to make fine gems. Brazil is the only source of true, well-formed crystals of rose quartz.

All rose quartz was formerly believed to be only massive, found primarily in the cores of pegmatites. This lack of crystals is somewhat of a curiosity, because quartz crystallizes into well formed crystals in all its other macroscopic varieties, such as citrine, amethyst, and smoky quartz. So amazing are the rose quartz crystals that the first ones discovered were dismissed as fakes by mineralogists from around the world!

Open your heart with a Rose Quartz HeartRose quartz is considered to be a symbol of love and beauty. Metaphysically, it helps to open the heart chakra and balance the emotions, thus giving inner peace and harmony. It is said to be the stone of unconditional love, opening the heart to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz also is used as a protective stone for pregnant or birthing mothers. Physically, rose quartz is used in crystal healing to treat the heart, the circulatory system, fertility, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, depression, addictions, spleen problems, and fibromyalgia. It is also believed to help control weight loss, slow signs of aging, and reduce wrinkles, giving a clear soft complexion.

The astrological signs of rose quartz are Taurus and Libra.

Mineralogical Properties:

Rose Quartz: SiO2, Silicon Dioxide
Mohs scale hardness: 7
Luster: Vitreous
Class: Tectosilicate
Color: Pale-pink to rose-red
Transparency: Opaque to translucent, rarely transparent
Fracture: Conchoidal
Crystal system: Hexagonal-Rhombohedral; 32 (trigonal-trapezohedral)
Crystal habit: Usually massive with occasional contact crystal faces, occurs rarely as small horizontally striated hexagonal prisms terminated by a combination of positive and negative rhombohedrons forming six sided pyramids.
Specific gravity: 2.65
Index of refraction: 1.54-1.55
Cleavage: None
Streak: White


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