
Meteorites are chunks of rock from space that fall to the Earth. Meteorites come from Meteors. Typically meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere (causing shooting stars) however, sometimes meteors don't fully disintegrate during this process. Meteorites are these un-burnt portions of meteor. Every day, 50 tons of space debris fall onto the surface of Earth, however, 99% of the debris is the size of dust particles. These particles of space debris are called Micrometeorites. The largest meteorite discovered on the Earth's surface is the Hoba meteorite. The Hoba is 119,000 lbs and still sits in its original landing place in Namibia, it's too heavy to be moved!
There are three different types of Meteorites and many sub-types. Meteorites can be classified as stony, iron, and stony-iron. Stony-type meteorites are mainly composed of silicate minerals. Iron meteorites consist of an iron and nickel alloy and are far more likely to survive Earth's atmosphere. Stony-iron meteorites have a nearly equal composition of iron-nickel alloy and silicate minerals, an example of a stony-iron meteorite would be Pallasite. Pallasite is a meteorite that contains iron and the silicate mineral Olivine.
Meteorites correspond to the crown and third-eye chakras, they are excellent tools for meditation and accessing higher vibrational planes. Meteorites bring about change and provide grounding energy to peacefully move you through transitional periods. Meteorites can also help with motivation to see things through. Meteorites also carry cosmic energy from their time in space, this can be helpful in pursuits of self-discovery.