Mama's Minerals Info & Blog

Prophecy Stones

Prophecy Stone is the name given to a pseudomorph Limonite/Hematite after Pyrite/Marcasite. Pseudomorph refers to the process of one mineral replacing another, causing the mineral to develop in a different crystalline structure than it typically would. Prophecy stone is a bumpy spikey grey/black/reddish stone made of Limonite and Hematite in the shape of Pyrite and Marcasite, which it grew onto and replaced.  ...
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Meteorites are chunks of rock from space that fall to the Earth. Meteorites come from Meteors. Typically meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere (causing shooting stars) however, sometimes meteors d ...

Chatoyant Minerals

Chatoyance is an adjective describing a mineral with a shifting luster and an undulating band of white light. Chatoyant comes from the French chatoyer meaning "to shine like a cat's eye." ...


Opal is an often colorful semi-opaque silicate mineraloid found in the Earth's crust. Precious Opal is a valuable and widely loved gemstone for its beautiful and flashy displays of color. It has a hig ...