Take a Turquoise Tour to Mount Chalchihuitl

The Mount Chalchihuitl site
If you're in New Mexico (or planning to be) and you'd like to see a historic turquoise mine, be sure to schedule a tour of the Mount Chalchihuitl site.
Mount Chalchihuitl dates back to 900 AD and was worked extensively during the 1300-1400's AD. It is the oldest turquoise property in the Cerrillos Hills. The tour takes 2 hours; cost is $55.00 per person (cash only), with a maximum of 4 persons per tour. You will need sturdy shoes, hat and camera for the great photographic opportunities. This is an Eco-friendly tour where you enjoy the beauty of what is there.
Tour includes free admission to the Turquoise Mining Museum in Cerrillos and to the museum's rock yard. Please call in advance to make a reservation:
Todd Brown - Cerrillos, New Mexico - 505-438-3008 - [email protected]