Learn about the Metaphysical properties of Crystals and Stones
Learn more about birthstones: modern, Hebrew, zodiac, and more!
Giving Stones
"The ways to give stones are innumerable, but the one thing all these stories have in common is the sharing of a piece of Mother Earth with others in the spirit of love and giving."
Metaphysical Properties of Gems and Minerals
A basic guide to the metaphysical properties of a variety of stones and minerals.
Practical Stone Advice: Preserving Your Jewelry Crystals
How to metaphysically prevent negative energy from breaking your jewelry.
Stone Magic for Children
Some exercises you can do to awaken your child’s sensitivities to stones and help them to develop their own intuition.
How To Cleanse and Charge a Stone for Healing
Learn how to cleanse and charge a stone and prepare it for a new life and purpose.
How To Make a "Day of the Dead" Altar
Learn more about the Mexican holiday of Dia De Los Muertos and how to make an altar to honor and commemorate your departed loved ones.
Learn About Day of the Dead
Dia De Los Muertos, a centuries-old holiday celebrated in Mexico – and by Mexican Americans in the United States and Canada – to remember friends and family members who have died.
The Mesoamerican Crystal Skulls
Explore the fascinating history and controversial theories surrounding the famous Mesoamerican crystal skulls.
Stones for the Holidays
Here are some ideas on how you can use stones for support when dealing with holiday stresses.
Love Stones
Anne Marie presents some ideas on how to use special stones to spread your love around, as well as to call love into your life.
Chakra Stones
Learn how various gemstones correspond to the different Chakras (energy centers) in the body, and how to use gemstones to enhance energy and well-being.
Project Idea: Chakra Balancing Gemstone Necklace
The changing patterns in this vibrant, colorful, and versatile necklace are rejuvenating and stress relieving. Designed to correspond to the body's subtle energy centers, or Chakras, this easy necklace project uses Garnet, Carnelian, Citrine, Peridot, Turquoise, Iolite, and Amethyst -- or customize with your own selection of gemstones.
Quartz Dynamics 
Learn about the healing properties and dynamics of Quartz. We will discuss the different uses of quartz spheres, pyramids, single and double-terminated wands, and small points. We will also review how to cleanse your quartz, and simple meditative positions.
How To Make a Gemstone Elixir 
Learn how to make Gem Elixers, also known as Crystal Essence Water—a way to bring the energy of stones into your body for healing. This easy to follow video is a basic starter for those interested in the drinking water imbued with the healing energy of crystals.
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